Hi all,
Welcome to this month’s slightly late newsletter!
It was fantastic to chat to so many interesting folks at the Community drive event, we live in such a great place, with so many great people who want to make a positive contribution – welcome those who have signed up for the newsletter.
Our Share and Repair shop is going great guns, we really do have such a brilliant group of volunteers and are achieving a much better ‘turnaround’ time for our customers now with their fantastic skills and knowledge. The Share service is set to launch over the next month….after a lot of hard work behind the scenes. There will be a growing ‘library of things’ to borrow from Party boxes to Strimmers! Watch this space!
The wildflower meadow at West Crescent is beginning to establish and is being managed by Jake – Ilminster’s Countryside warden and his able volunteers. The area is being monitored with Wildlife auditing sessions by Green Ilminster members Chris and Colin. Establishing a wildlife meadow is difficult and requires very careful management, we are so lucky to have Jake (and his expertise!) in post as part of the towns Open Spaces team.
We will be getting going with our monitoring of the River Isle at the end of the summer which will be led by Chris. To make this citizen science project as useful as possible the methods need to be carefully planned and we are working with other local groups to make sure we get our data gathering systems as robust as possible. We are really hoping we can make a significant contribution to protecting our river systems, and its wildlife into the future.
Green Ilminster focus is on acting locally with tangible projects that feel real and useful. In a world where so much seems to be out of our control we hope we can make a positive impact on the local environment and community.
Please note next Litter Picking date is the 16th July
If you would like to get involved in any of our projects, please do contact us via our Facebook page or website
Best wishes
Sarah (Director)